God is working in my life in abundant ways & I long to glorify Him with all of my life. I struggle with it daily, but I'm constantly in prayer for God to give me a heart full of desire for Him and He is! My parents are divorced, but it's a blessing in disguise! I am so blessed, & I thank God for it most everyday! I thank God for allowing me to be able to see all the beautiful things around me, to DANCE (you don't have to be good at it to have fun with it), to hear music, & to communicate with others! God has made me passionate & I'm kind of open to where He is going to lead me next!! I desire teaching girls about Christ! I want to see God capture the hearts of their lives just as he has captured mine! I want to be able to pour into girls' lives like so many have poured into mine, & share with them who Christ really is! Music is a big part of my life. I want to be a mom, and an amazing wife. I believe it will be an awesome experience in which God can teach me so much more about Him. There is so much you can't understand about a mom until you are one, & it is a one of a kind relationship between mom & child! To sum it up, I'm growing & excited to see who God is creating me to be!